The Rhythm of Here

We designed mōrro to be distraction-free to each of your senses. You’ll notice this immediately in our streamlined booking with a process that in each step is made for your ease and self-exploration. Sounds, sights and smells have been thought out along the way. We’ve made sure to think of things before you have to ask for them, allowing you to soften and surrender to your breath and the moment. Because a retreat should be a place you come home to that allows you to sit in the unknown, and grow as you heal.

Tessa Bernier

Tess builds things. From yoga studios and wellness retreat centres to commercial services and fintech companies, it’s the adventure of diving into the unknown that led Tessa through ten years of yoga, both as a wellness modality and as a business.

Her yoga classes will leave you feeling grounded and clear. Leading a growing team of individuals, each “working in their unique ability” and simultaneously creating a platform for Wishist to evolve is what pushes her forward.

“The focus I have experienced when fully surrendering to movement on the mat is what has brought me the gift of peace in even the most challenging situations.”

Jacqueline Direnzo

After teaching yoga for years, growing a successful yoga franchise and traveling internationally to teach classes, at retreats and teacher trainings, Jackie is the epitome of living your yoga.

With 20 years and 10 companies under her belt, Jackie is no stranger to the art of scaling. She thrives in the company of a team and in the midst of a challenge. To Jackie, the only true failure is a failure to try, which she has avoided by exploring each opportunity that she’s created or come across.

She is gifted at starting things, and her electric spark can be felt not only in her yoga teachings, but at every interaction.