studio mōrro Policies
Registration Philosophy
We never want you to miss your favourite yoga class. The only way to guarantee your spot in class ahead of time is to register online.
As long as you arrive at least 10 minutes before class begins, you are 100% guaranteed a spot if you have registered online. After the 10 minute mark, we may open your spot away to a student on standby. Even with an online registration, you must still check in with us at the desk before you go to the change room. We promise not to start class without you!
Cancellation Philosophy
If you have registered for class but then life happened and you can no longer make it. Here is what to do to avoid No Show Charges:
- Go to the studio mōrro app
- Cancel the class you have booked yourself into
- That’s it!
You can cancel your reservation with no penalty up to two hours before class starts, though we ask that you cancel as soon as you can, so your spot can be given to someone else. If you cancel less than two hours before class, it is considered a Late Cancel, and your account will be charged for the class + $10 fee (or $15 if it’s less than 30 minutes before class). If you do not cancel at all, it is considered a No Show and your account will be charged for the class + $15 fee.
Of course, we know that things are not always in your control, as we will always err on the side of understanding, so if something comes up and you are unable to cancel, please let us know by emailing us!
*We do not take cancellations via email or over the phone.
mōrro Philosophy
If online registration is full for a class, you can put yourself on the waitlist in hopes of getting on your mat. If someone cancels their reservation, the first person on the waitlist will get bumped into class, and the second person on the waitlist moves into the new spot. You will be notified via email if you get bumped from the waitlist to the class, so keep an eye on your inbox.
Emails are sent up to 30 minutes before class starts, so keep checking!